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Пророки и пророческие служения
[ ] 20.01.2009, 23:27


Пророки и пророческие служения

  1. Morningstar Ministries - Rick Joyner
  2. Streams Ministries International - John Paul Jackson
  3. Demonstrations of God's Power - Bobby Conner
  4. Bob Jones - Bob Jones & Keith Davis
  5. Friends of the Bridegroom - Mike Bickle
  6. Shiloh Ministries - Paul Cain
  7. Eagles' Wings Ministries - Robert Stearns
  8. BridgeBuilders International - Aaron Evans
  9. Watch of the Lord - Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda
  10. Elijah House - John and Paula Sandford
  11. The Elijah List - Steve Shultz
  12. Mantle of Praise Ministries - Marc Dupont
  13. Prohetic Roundtable - Don and Bonnie Franklin
  14. Graham Cooke Ministries - Graham Cooke
  15. Ministry to the Nations - Jim and Michal Ann Goll
  16. John L. Moore - John L. Moore
  17. Larry Randolph Ministries - Larry Randolph Ministries
  18. Vision Life Ministries - Dr. Henry Malone
  19. Sound the Trumpet Ministries - Ron Campbell
  20. Alternative Prophetic Site - Vertical Hold
  21. Age of Revival in Truth &Love - Melbourne - Revelations on Bible prophecy &'end-time' truths including a look at the sacred Name of God using ancient Hebrew
  22. AlienResistance.org - Roswell, NM - Christian UFO Network?!? Equipping to defend yourself &others against deceptive "alien" abduction &New Age philosophies. Emphasis on Christian ministry to those who believe they have been abducted
  23. Alive Forever - Sylvester, GA - Asking the question Who will you serve? with links to how God feels about witchcraft, sorcery, aliens, &ufo's
  24. Amazing Love Ministries - Lake Katrine, NY - to bind up those broken in heart &bruised in spirit, to set at liberty those who have been held captive. To speak a word in season to those who are weary
  25. Apocalyptic Prophecies in Daniel &Revelation - Camarillo, CA - interpreting prophetic symbolism through biblical concepts, such as the sanctuary system &Jesus Christ as our Kinsman-Redeemer
  26. Apostasy Now - Crossville, TN - Critical information on the great &final Apostasy of Christendom
  27. The Available Light - Wilmington, NC - Devoted to the prophetic, revival, renewal, apologetics, signs &wonders, &general Christian teachings
  28. Awake Ministries/"Midnight Herald" - Arlington, VA - ministry &free newspaper focusing on Bible prophecy, current events &spiritual edification, growth &preparation for Christ's return
  29. Be Ready - Brooklyn, NY - Articles on Second Coming Prophecy &related topics
  30. Beasts, Horns &the Antichrist - West Jefferson, NC - online book studies dispensationalism &prophecy in the book of Daniel
  31. Bible Prophecy Page
  32. Charles Fowler Ministries - Colorado Springs, CO - goal is to effectively impart intercessory prayer ministry to local church leaders &provide them with bible study resources
  33. Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon &The Bible - Nashville, TN - Rock lyrics, popular movies &findings of today's top 'ufologists' weave in &out of an Ephesians 6:12 backdrop, setting the stage for this enthralling apologetic to the New Age(er)
  34. Cupbearer Prophetic Journal - Rainbow City, AL - Home of The Cupbearer Journal, Bible Studies, The Priestly Garments, Prophecy, Prayer Nuggets
  35. Daniel &Revelation online Prophecy Studies - Flagstaff, AZ - easy to use &understand interactive Bible studies that take the mystery out of the prophecies of Daniel &Revelation
  36. End Time Ministries - Kilfera, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland - series of leaflets to help encourage people everywhere to read these Bible prophecies for themselves &see beyond doubts how fast we are rushing to the end
  37. Endtime Revelation / Wind of The Spirit - N. Miami Beach, FL - using video/audio clips, current events, bible studies, testimonies, tto encourage christians to study to show themselves approved rightly dividing the word of God
  38. The End-Times Christian Spiritual Survival Page - Balto, MD - Links for the Rapture
  39. Faith, Fear or Foolishness/ Y2K Commentary - N. Miami Beach, FL - Are we being led by the Lord's Holy Spirit or the Arm of the Flesh in preparing for the Year 2001 Computer Crises?
  40. Global Evangelistic Association - Pearland, TX - Prophecies given by the Holy Spirit
  41. GOBEDO Go Be &Do All that Jesus asks - Mineloa, TX - the prophecies of Revelation and Daniel
  42. God's Warning to the Church - Albuquerque, NM - Warnings from Jesus to the church &to His Remnant
  43. The Isaiah 53 Controversy Home Page - Orleans, France - who is Isaiah 53 really about
  44. Jack Van Impe Ministries Intl. - Rochester Hills, MI - - Prophecy &world events, an extensive FAQ section on Bible prophecy
  45. Jesus REALLY is coming soon - Brooklyn, NY - Second Coming Prophecy focusing on the Book of Revelation, with the emphasis on being ready
  46. Joel's Final Outpouring - Richmond, VA - Dedicated to recently received christian prophecies &visions. Also features end times teachings &testimony
  47. The King Is Coming - Colton, CA - Heralding the Good News of Bible Prophecy &the Soon Return of Jesus Christ
  48. Light Of Hope Ministries Intl. - Honolulu, HI - We are an Apostolic &Prophetic Ministry spreading the word of God to all the nations.
  49. Michael the Archangel web page by Matthew King - Henderson, KY - Every thing you should know about Michael the Archangel and his role in the End Times
  50. The Mountain Retreat! - Darby, PA - Christian Bible Study library &Classic Christian literature. FAQ's, Message board &fellowship for the serious Christian
  51. Moving a City - Auggen, Germany - Th ousands of years ago a city was moved. Before it ever happened it was prophesied in great detail.
  52. One of a Kind Original - A unique man. Incredibly his life was well known even before he ever lived it. Also available in Swedish
  53. New Wine for the End Times - Durham, NC - Getting out of sin; The two-bride post-wrath rapture theory; Timeline of the great tribulation; Lord of the Sabbath
  54. Newswatch Magazine - Waxahachie, TX - Making clear today's news in the light of Bible Prophecy
  55. Prayer Praise Prophecy - Whangarei, New Zealand - Teaching Christians to prophecy &intercede. Home of Intercessors for New Zealand
  56. Preparing the Bride of Christ - Dallas, TX - Preparing the Church, for the wedding of the Lamb with spoken word, written word, art, sculpture, gifts, song, dance &music
  57. Prophecy Central - Alta Loma, CA - a world of infoabout Biblical Prophecy
  58. Prophecy Corner: Alpha &Omega - Webbers Falls, OK - Entertaining/infromative site with prophecy corner
  59. Prophecy Forum - Gilbertown, AL - dedicated to Biblical prophecy and related topics, monthly newletter, including Bible studies, book reviews
  60. Prophecy News Page - Tucson, AZ - Headline news for those interested in the unfolding of Bible prophecy
  61. Prophecy Update - Bakersfield, CA - keeping the world informed of events relating to the End Times
  62. Prophecy Update &Bible Study - Moro, AR - A look at the world around us &how it relates to the times that Jesus called the Last Days
  63. The Rapture Solution - Putting the Puzzle Together - Placerville, CA - full-length book, including Scripture index, for free viewing or downloading
  64. Christian Reality Ministries - Libby, MT - What did early Christians believe? Why are Amish, Mennonites, Anabaptists so different? What is real prophecy &revelation from God supposed to sound like?
  65. Restoring the Vision - Pearl City, HI - prophetic teaching of the glorious walk of the victorious church at the end of this age which parallels Jesus's public ministry
  66. Return of Jesus Christ/Day of the Lord - Oakland, CA - describes the return of the Jesus to establish his governmental reign on earth, &the day of the lord; uses scripture &commentary
  67. Revelation Illustrated - North Huntingdon, PA - 35 works of art by Pat Marvenko Smith depicting the visions in the Book of Revelation
  68. REVELATIONS ink - Redwood City, CA - Signs of the Times. Unique Christian T-shirts that convey the correlation between current events and Christ's return and confirm that the UFO phenomena has a religious foundation. Back of each shirt displays an extraordinary hand-sketched logo.[commercial]
  69. The Saints Home Page - Norman, OK - The study of bible prophecy, theology &the pre-wrath rapture of the church
  70. Salt Files - Piqua, OH - The stealing of America; &the end times
  71. Second Coming Website - Southend-on-Sea, UK - Jesus will return, explains the urgency to be ready
  72. Shofar Communications - Chattanooga, TN - dedicated to educating the Christian community on Prophecy &how it relates to current event
  73. The Sign Ministries - West Olive, MI - study &teaching of a biblical understanding of prophecy &the end times according to God's Word
  74. Solving the Puzzle of Revelation - Rapid City, SD - Premillennial, pre-wrath commentary on Revelation by Ola Campbell. Explains seven seals, beast kingdom, great tribulation, rapture, God's wrath, millennium, &more. Includes two charts &a question &answer section
  75. Sunset Ministries - Batawa, ON, Canada - aim: preparing many for the upcoming spiritual night to face mankind prior to the rapture of the church
  76. Smyrna - Memphis, TN - exploration of teaching about salvation, eternal security, and end-time survival
  77. Truth Research - Kingstowne, VA - End-times prophecy, Biblical archaeology, creation science. Photos of where God parted the sea. The calculated crucifixion date
  78. The Ultimate Deception - Zanesville, OH - Eschatology. Bible prophecy, earth-shaking Bible prophecies poised to be fulfilled at the dawning of the new millennium before the pre-trib Rapture occurs
  79. Val's Place - Milwaukee, WI - dedicated to Bible Prophecy &the famine of the end times
  80. What Saith the Scripture? - Palm Springs,CA - Date-oriented directory, mapping pre-tribulational &pre-wrath raptures, from antichrist's covenant to the second coming
  81. Who and What is the Beast of Revelation? - Sydney, NSW, AU - The Key to the Beast of Revelation? Understanding the Prophectic Genre of the OT
  82. Word of the Cross - Colorado Springs, CO - Teaching Web Site for Christian Discipleship with a prophetic overtone
  83. The Word of the Lord - Long Prairie, MN - timeline concerning the end of the age and the events therein
  84. Worldwide School of Prayer - Colorado Springs, CO - Study prayer &revival in our on-line school of ministry. You can learn greek, study biblical theology, &be linked with global prayer for revival
  85. Zbigniew Jastrzebski - Chicago, Il - unique study of the Book of Revelation based upon the Church of Philadelphia &Two Raptures
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